The administrator and contact person
Koho Visuals Oy
Business ID: 3220262-7
Tel: +358458815557
The administrator and the contact person of this website processes Personal Data both as a Processor and as a Controller as defined in the Directive and the GDPR.
User data and registry
This website which you as a User entered an agreement with when using Jenni Joanna Visual's platform will be the controller for User data.
This platform collects personal information when you register for updates or when you purchase art, products or photography services.
When you register for updates, we collect information such as your name and email address and any other information you choose to provide.
When you purchase products or services, we collect additional information needed to complete the transaction such as your shipping address, telephone number, and other billing information.
This website and service provider limit access to personal information about you to only those we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide products or services to you.
The physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards are in place to protect personal information about you.
The site automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser, including your IP address, type of browser used, and the page you requested. The information from the server logs is used for general website administration and optimization and is not matched or otherwise correlated to individual users.
The privacy policy of Gravatar, an entity handeling comments of the wordpress sites can be found on:
If you leave a comment, you can choose to autofill the form for the next possible entry. This is optional feature and all the cookies will be cleared within a year.
Third party content
This website may contain links to other websites, including but not limited to the sites of affiliates, partners and resources. These sites may have different privacy policies and practices from the one stated here. We assume no responsibility for the policies or practices of linked sites. You should contact that web site’s administrator with all questions or concerns about any external link
Data safety, access and requests
Every user has the right to access data, request changes, deletion, and corrections.
Data handling
We limit access to personal information about you to only those we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide our products or services to you.
Personal data is handled in two processes:
1. Invoicing (Lemon Tree Oy)
- Data access: Photographer and the employees of Lemon Tree Oy
- Information is needed in order to maintain invoicing procedures
- Privacy Policy:
2. Picture galleries and proofing (Pixieset Media Inc)
- Data access: Photographer and the employees of Pixieset Media Inc
- Digital proofs and online galleries for downloads
- Privacy Policy:
Additional safety measures
We limit access to personal information about you to only those we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide our products or services to you.
We have physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect personal information about you. The website is secured by SSL-certificate and all the information is stored in a safe and professional manner. This website adheres to the GDRP policies.
The website administrator may update this policy. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat personal information by placing a prominent notice on the site.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy please email [email protected].